Thursday, December 13, 2012

APLORI produces another set of Scientists

The A. P. Leventis Ornithological Institute (APLORI) has produced yet another set of well-trained scientists. They rounded up their studies on the 12th of December 2012 with the presentation of their research findings to the External Examiner Dr. Andy Gosler and a host of other academic and research staff.  This set is the 9th set of APLORI graduates.
Graduates with their external examiner, HOD Zoology representative and the Director, APLORI
From L-R: Dr Manu, Daniel, Abok, Dayo, Chima, Neri, Dr. Gosler, Biplang, Albert, Elmond and Dr. (Mrs) Absolom

APLORI's 10th Anniversary

Ruth Akagu giving her talk

On Thursday 15th November 2012, APLORI celebrated its 10th year Anniversary of research and training in Conservation Biology with an emphasis in Ornithology. The Institute has so far trained 58 Masters and 5 PhD degrees, which are well groomed scientists, recognized both nationally and internationally. 
Listeners at the presentations
Will Cresswell making a presentation
APLORI’s graduates are found in various institutions contributing their quota to the conservation of the world’s biodiversity.

Hazel Chapman giving her talk
The highlights of the day included the presentation of the 3rd A. P. Leventis Annual Lecture and presentations from various APLORI graduates doing research in different fields of ecology.

A. P. Leventis 3rd Annual Lecture

The A. P. Leventis 3rd Annual Lecture was held at the lecture auditorium of the APLORI on the 15th of November 2012, also marking the 10th Year Anniversary of the Institute. 
Dr. P. J. Jones
The Lecture was presented by Dr. Peter James Jones, an Honorary Fellow, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh UK. the lecture was titled " 'Tsunstun Jambaki' an Avian Locust". 
In attendance was the Vice- Chancellor of the University of Jos and other Stakeholders in the academic and business community.
Dr. Jones receiving a gift from the Vice- Chancellor represented by Prof. Dakul 
Peter Jones highlighted the problems caused by the genus Quelea and traced history of efforts put in place by different government to curb their menace.  He also pointed possible areas of research.

Dr. Peter Jones 

Friday, November 16, 2012

APLORI 10th anniversary day a great success

On Thursday 15th November we celebrated the 10th anniversary of APLORI...more to follow

Friday, September 28, 2012

Check out Emma Blackburn on the Guest Blog

Emma Blackburn is doing her PhD on Whinchats at APLORI. Read about the trials and tribulations of field work on this charismatic but declining and often frustrating species.

Monday, September 24, 2012

APLORI new website is now live

Welcome to the new APLORI web site. As with all things web we have traded-off immediacy with depth and accuracy, so inevitably there are errors here and omissions. Nevertheless we hope that the site will mark a new more credible web presence for APLORI.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

APLORI to co-host PAOC gala dinner

APLORI will be co-sponsoring the closing banquet at the PAOC this year to celebrate the 10th anniversary of APLORI.

APLORI web site going live on September 24th 2012

The new website will finally go live on the 24th. As with any website it is always work in progress. Contact Will Cresswell to get involved with maintaining and updating the website. A workshop for training for this will be run the week of Nov 12-17th at APLORI

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

PAOC Poster competition

Thanks to everybodyfor submitting your posters for evaluation. The Scientific Committee members ranked your posters independently and then we averaged the scores. The top 5 will be sponsored by APLORI to attend the PAOC. The results for the top 7 were:

1.       Hope
2.       Crossby
3.       Bakam
4.       Ojay
5.       Fidel
6.       Stella
7.       Dayo

Hope has his own funding so our final list of people that we will financially support for the PAOC is:


Well done to everyone who made the list. Well done to everyone who submitted posters – they were all of an excellent standard. Two posters were not primarily on birds so scored lower than reflected their quality as posters: we can’t change the fact that the PAOC is an ornithological conference!

We will use everybody’s posters at the PAOC subject to maybe a bit of tweaking – we will get back with specific suggestions for improvements on a one to one basis.

Monday, February 27, 2012

APLORI website moving closer to relaunch

As you have probably noticed things are a little incomplete on the new web site. But things should improve over the next few months.